Presentation of young committees


Short presentation of ECCOMAS Young Investigators

ECCOMAS Young Investigators are young scientists (40 years old or younger) working in the domain of computational methods in applied sciences. The associated committee (EYIC) has been created in order to promote the main goals of ECCOMAS among young researchers, with special emphasis in encouraging activities of young ECCOMAS members. The EYIC also provides an incubator for new ideas, presents the interests of young researchers within the ECCOMAS community and aims to maintain a protective environment for young investigators. The EYIC is composed of members from each national and regional associations and is led by one or two internally selected chairpersons.

The main tasks of the EYIC include:

  • To represent the interests of young investigators within ECCOMAS;
  • To disseminate information to young researchers, for example sharing info on open positions, available awards / opportunities / scholarships for young people, conferences / summer schools;
  • To promote and facilitate the creation, and the work, of “young” sections within national associations;
  • To promote the participation of young people at ECCOMAS initiatives and conferences, workshops and other events;
  • To support and advise the organisers of the upcoming YIC and the ECCOMAS PhD Olympiad;
  • To organise Young Investigators events and provide an incubator for new scientific formats at ECCOMAS events;
  • To provide content for the Young Investigators corner of the annual ECCOMAS newsletter;
  • To provide general support and advice to ECCOMAS on digital platforms (for example, website, job database, social media).

 For further information, you can consult the EYIC webpage



Short presentation of CSMA Juniors

The French computational mechanics community, grouped with the CSMA association, saw the creation in 2016 of a section of young researchers called CSMA Juniors. This section, targeted towards CSMA members under 40 (thesis students, post-doc, junior tenure positions), has various objectives linked to the strong dynamism of the CSMA association. It aims in particular at:

  • promoting exchanges and the creation of networks between young researchers;
  • promoting research activities of young researchers within the CSMA and towards national authorities;
  • facilitating joint research actions;
  • allowing the transfer of information to young researchers in connection with their current or future career;
  • providing useful and unique scientific activities for young researchers;
  • helping CSMA association in its activities (decision-making, organization of conferences or mini-symposia with innovative formats, communication activities through newsletters or social networks, etc.)

 For further information, you can consult the CSMA Juniors webpage:

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